
Fusion menu with authentic dishes

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The best of Chinese, Japanese and fusion cuisine in Rome

Er Primo Fusion Restaurant is appreciated by the lovers of Asian cuisine that want to try carefully attended to fusion specialties. Er Primo Fusion is the favoured restaurant of the Swiss guards of the Vatican and is chosen by Romans and tourists alike by the possibility of being able to eat high quality food in a historic asian restaurant of the district.  Our philosopy begins with choosing the best ingredients in order to guarantee a high quality finish no matter what the dish you wish to try.  Each dish is prepared entirely by skilled chefs including the sauces, steamed dumplings and spring rolls.

The kitchen of  Er Primo Fusion ranges from typical Chinese dishes such as spring rolls, steamed dumplings, soups, soy noodles and rice noodles to Japanese cuisine such as sushi, sashimi, tataki, cirashi, nigiri and much more.

You'll always find a fixed price Lunch at Er Primo Fusion:

  • Chinese cuisine start from 12,90€;
  • Japanese cuisine start from 15€ .

Book your table now!


  • Japanese soup

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  • Fusion cuisine

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  • Chinese cuisine

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To try our Japanese or Chinese fusion dishes delivered where you are, order now on Glovo

Visit our Glovo page

If you prefer to collect in person

contact us on WhatsApp!

  • Sweet and sour chinese chicken

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    Scrivi qui la tua didascalia

Come and try the unique flavours of Chinese and Japanese cuisine: call today to book your table or takeaway!

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